Jennifer Iverson

Title: Executive Director, Child Resource Connect

Jennifer Iverson began her career in the field of early childhood education, with emphasis on early literacy. Before moving to Maryland, Jennifer taught Pre-K for the Santa Barbara School District in California and became a Master Teacher in the school system’s Child Development Program. Additionally, she was a child development teacher trainer, certified by the California Department of Education. Jennifer’s tenure at Prince George’s Child Resource Center began in 2001 and over the last twenty years, she served in a number of positions including program manager for a $1.6 federally-funded literacy project, Development Director and Deputy Director. Jennifer became Executive Director in 2016, leading a variety of programs that impact young children, their families, and child care providers in Prince George’s County. She holds an Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Georgetown University’s Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership. Jennifer is Co-Chair of the Prince George’s Early Childhood Advisory Council; member of the National Governor’s Association Early Childhood Education Workforce Sub-Committee for Maryland; and member of the Prince George’s Cabinet for Children and Youth – Chair, Early Childhood Workgroup. She serves on the Board of Directors for Maryland Family Network.

Fun Fact: Nothing makes her happier than a day spent outdoors followed by good food and great company.