Big decisions still in play in Annapolis
Joining Voices 3.21.23March 20th was “crossover” day in the Maryland General Assembly. This is the day that the bills that had moved forward enough in the Maryland Senate “crossed over” to the Maryland House, and the bills that had moved forward enough in the Maryland House “crossed over” to the Maryland Senate.
Here’s a quick look at the status of the big things we’re watching, as of March 21:
Time for action – again
Please click here for an email you can send to your Maryland Senators and Delegates, urging their support for child care, your work, and the families counting on you: https://www.childresource.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/email-to-Delegates-and-Senators-3.21.23.docx
Please click here for a handy guide to finding the email addresses of your State Senators and Delegates: https://www.childresource.org/looking-up-your-maryland-state-senator-and-maryland-state-delegates/
Please click here for a special email you can send to the Maryland Senate Committee on Education, Energy and Environment about preK teachers and what they can do right now: https://www.childresource.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/email-to-Senate-EEE-Committee-3.22.23.docx
Joining Voices discussion recap
On March 21, about 30 area child care provider leaders gathered for a Joining Voices meeting. Our team presented on the bills we’re watching, and the ways we can engage together to educate State Senators and State Delegates about the issues and the difference they can make. Here are the powerpoint slides from the meeting: (insert link to the pdf). Please note: information changes quickly during legislative session; the contents of the presentation were current on March 21. Thank you to everyone who joined us! We’ll be in touch over email and we’ll meet again after the legislative session ends in April.