Family Support Center Prince George’s

Family Support Center Prince George’s, formerly The Adelphi/Langley Park Family Support Center, established in 1994 as a Family Support Center under the Maryland Family Network where families with children prenatal to age 4 are eligible for services at no cost, with transportation and child care provided. The program provides education, employment readiness and links to community services. Adult participants improve literacy skills, participate in Career Planning training and demonstrate understanding of positive and nurturing parenting techniques. Children improve cognitive and language abilities and enter school ready to learn. Emphasis remains on family literacy, parent/child activities. Adelphi/Langley Park Family Support Center serves an area of 10 square miles in the Adelphi/Langley Park area.

Services in this voluntary program include:

Adult Education/English as a Second Language

Employment Readiness

Health and Safety Education

Parenting Education

Parent Support Groups

Child Development

Information and Community Referrals

8908 Riggs Road
Adelphi, Maryland 20783

Contact: Mariela Hakans, Director | 301.431.6210


Meet Digna H., Healthy Families Prince George’s Participant

"Thank you to the Family Support Center for being a blessing in my life. My child and I had learned a lot in this program and it's being of a lot of help for my family and all the other families in the Program.  Please continue always supporting all the families."

Meet Eva V., Healthy Families Prince George’s Participant

"I have a lot to say and for which to thank that I don't know where to start. As I have already said on occasions and I will not tire of saying how blessed I have been to be here on this program. Your program has opened my eyes and doors in many ways, but the best has been the way of educating my children, here I found education and professionalism because all the people who teach us are always very well prepared to teach and answer all of our questions. Here I have learned to lose many of my fears and have confidence in myself, but the best of the best is that the change  has not only been for me, but also for my whole family, we have all benefited from your support." 

Meet Nayireth C. , Healthy Families Prince George’s Participant

"I have many mixed feelings, writing these words ... I just want to say how grateful I am to you for the excellent service and support that you gave me and my family. Now I am a more informed mom, aware of all the information I received from the teachers."

"Tengo muchos sentimientos encontrados al escribir estas palabras. Solo quiero decir lo agradecida que estoy con ustedes por el excelente servicio y apoyo que me brindaron a mi y a mi familia...ahora soy una mamá más informada consciente gracias a toda la información que recibía de parte de las maestras."