Looking up your Maryland State Senator and Maryland State Delegates
Are you ready to reach your Maryland State Senator and State Delegates? Let’s find out their names and how to contact them by email!
- Go to https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite
- Find MEMBERS on the red bar, and choose Find My Representatives:
- On this page, click where it says Lookup, and enter your home address and zip code:
- Click the red button that says Find! That will reveal the names of your statewide officials like the Governor; your US Senators and US Representative; and your State Senator and State Delegates, like this:
There are lots of times we want to contact federal officials listed under “Maryland Congressional District”.
When you’re reaching out about an idea being considered in Annapolis, about state policy, we want to be sure to contact our state officials.
You’ll find their names in the section where the yellow arrows are pointing in the graphic above.
Click on the official’s name to reveal a little information about them, including their office phone number and work email address.
- Get ready to send your message that tells your story! You’ll use the email address you just found, and your own email account. For this kind of communication, there’s no portal or anything to submit. Just a message from you in email! They might write back, too, which is great. Communicating with your officials is part of a relationship, and it is great when it can go back and forth.